Psychology Research Opportunities Programs (PROPS)
Gain research experience while attaining information and guidance on pursuing a graduate degree. Open to students from underrepresented groups (i.e. students eligible for financial aid, first generation college students).
Psychology Departmental Honors Program
Conduct individualized research and attend a weekly seminar, culminating with the completion of an Honors thesis. Satisfactory completion leads to being awarded a degree with honors or highest honors.
Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference (PURC)
This conference allows undergraduate psychology students from UCLA, other California campuses and campuses across the nation to share their research at a professional conference designed specifically for them.
Psychology Undergraduate Commencement Celebration
Students who have declared Fall 2022, Winter 2023, Spring 2023, or Summer 2023 as their Degree Expected Term are eligible to participate in the Spring 2023 Psychology Commencement Celebration.