Psychobiology Major for Freshman Admits
Psychobiology Major for Freshman Admits (PDF) 🔗
Declaring the Pre-Major
Students who entered UCLA as freshman can message the Psych Advising Office via Message Center on MyUCLA 🔗 to declare the pre-Psychobiology major once they are eligible (see major worksheet for eligibility criteria). Pre-Psychobiology students may enroll in some core and elective courses. Refer to the “Class Notes” for each course and enrollment information webpage 🔗 to learn more about enrollment for pre-majors vs majors.
Declaring the Major
Once all final grades for all preparation courses are posted to the DAR, students can message the Psych Advising Office via Message Center on MyUCLA 🔗 to declare the Psychobiology major.
Psychobiology Major for Transfer Students
Psychobiology Major for Transfer Admits (PDF) 🔗
Declaring the Major
Once all final grades for all preparation courses are posted to the DAR, students can message the Psych Advising Office via Message Center on MyUCLA 🔗 to declare the Psychobiology major. Note the deadline for Psychobiology transfer students to complete their major preparation coursework is by the end of the summer following their first year at UCLA.
TRANSFER STUDENT NOTE: Life science majors are required to complete extensive preparatory courses prior to transfer, therefore, you must be admitted directly into a life science major; you will not be able to change from a non-life science major into a life science major after admission to UCLA. No exceptions are made to this Admission policy. (pg. 19 of the UCLA Transfer Admissions Guide)