Women’s Body Feelings Study



Never Pregnant (past 8 weeks)

No parenting experience

Female, Aged 18-42


This study is being done to help us better understand how pregnancy might change the way that women respond to sensations coming from their own body. We also want to understand how body sensations are connected to women’s emotional well-being.


If you volunteer to participate in this study, you will come to our lab at UCLA for about 1.5 hours. There, the researcher will ask you to do the following: First you will read and sign this consent form. A researcher will be available to answer any questions you have. After that you will fill out some surveys on your personal information, health, and emotional wellbeing, as well as tough experiences you may have had in your childhood.

Next a researcher will attach some stickers to your torso to measure your heart beats, and then we will ask you questions about your heart beats and get you to play some games that involve your heart beats.

Finally, we will interview you for about 5 minutes on things that you would be happy doing in a research study, and what we would need to do as a research team to make your experience more comfortable. We will use this information to help us design a mom-friendly research study on this topic in a bigger group of women.


You will receive $50 for completing this study. Additionally, we will pay for parking if applicable.


Email: brainandbodylab@g.ucla.edu

PI: Dr. Bridget Callaghan

IRB Number: IRB-23-1187

IRB Expire Date: June 24, 2025

Age Range: 18 yrs – 42 yrs

View Study Flyer (PDF)