Teen Inflammation Glutamate Emotion Research (TIGER)
Do you have braces or any non- removable piercings?: Should be no
Are you eligible to receive payment in the United States?: Should be yes
Do you read and speak English fluently?: Should be yes
Have you recently been experiencing sad or irritable moods? Or have you lost interest in your activities?: Should be yes
Are you taking any antidepressants, mood stabilizers, hormone supplements or steroids?: Should be no
Do you take any stimulant medications (ex. Adderall, Ritalin, etc.)?: Should be no
Do you have any definite plans to move away from the Los Angeles area?: Should be no
The researchers involved in this study want to see if biological data from the brain and blood can predict how well one responds to antidepressants.
If you choose to be in this study, you will be asked to answer questions about your mental and physical health, as well as the mental health history of your immediate family. For the primary component of the study, you will be asked to complete a series of MRI scans and provide blood and saliva samples before and after a cognitive stress test prior to your antidepressant treatment and after 12 weeks of your treatment. After 12 weeks, you will be asked about your mental health every 3 months via Zoom and through online surveys for the next 15 months. We are not providing antidepressant treatment but will be assessing you before and after 12 weeks of the treatment you are receiving from your provider. You will be in this study for about 18 months total and visit the research site approximately 4times (2 visits about 1-2 weeks apart in the beginning and 2 visits about 1-2 weeks apart after 12 weeks).
You may gain knowledge about your health and health conditions and/or feel a sense of contribution to knowledge in the health or social sciences. In addition to this, you will have the opportunity to earn up to $1200 and will be reimbursed for all travel expenses associated with study visits. If you complete your first set of visits with us, you will receive a picture of your brain. If you complete all study visits, you will receive a 3D printed version of your brain!
Number: 424-259-5701
Email: uclacandylab@ucla.edu
PI: Dr Tiffany Ho
IRB Number: IRB-22-1819
IRB Expire Date: April 30, 2028
Age Range: 14 yrs – 21 yrs