Emotions in Adolescents’ Everyday Life



For teens in the US aged 13-15 years who speak fluent English and have normal or corrected-to-normal vision (e.g., glasses, contacts). For teens without a diagnosed developmental disorder (e.g., autism spectrum disorders) who are also not prescribed any psychotropic medications, including antidepressants, anti-anxiety medication, stimulants, or mood stabilizers.

Teens should have access to reliable, high-speed internet and a phone, tablet, or computer.


Previous research shows that teens abilities to process and regulate their emotions undergo considerable change during this period in their lives. Our study hopes to look at how these emotion skills change or stay the same across a brief window of time in their lives. We also want to know how these changes relate to aspects of stress and daily experiences for teens.


This study involves an initial Zoom session, online questionnaires, and multiple daily tasks during the afternoon. The Zoom session will take approximately 1 hour. Daily image rating tasks will take approximately 5 minutes each day for 13 days. The post-study online questionnaires will take approximately 15 minutes.

Participants can earn up to $60 in Amazon.com gift cards for their participation in all portions of our study. The breakdown for compensation is as follows: – $10 after initial Zoom session – $10 after completing daily image tasks – $20 after second (end of study) questionnaires + image task – $20 after one-week follow up virtual questionnaires.


There are no direct benefits from participating in this voluntary research study. Participants may enjoy knowing they are helping science or learning more about how research is conducted. Results from this study will contribute to better understanding how youth experience their emotions.


Interested caregivers may contact the study coordinator, Wesley Meredith, directly at wmeredith@ucla.edu or emotionstudy.sand.ucla@gmail.com.

PI: Dr. Jen Silvers

IRB Number: IRB-23-0073

IRB Expire Date: February 21, 2027

Age Range: 13 yrs – 15 yrs

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