Winter 2023 Enrollment
Date published: 10/31/22
The Winter 2023 Schedule of Classes is now available. Please note that first pass appointments begin on November 10, while second pass appointments begin November 17. Enrollment appointments are based on class standing and are scheduled by the UCLA Registrar. Please make sure to check and double check your enrollment appointments through MyUCLA.
Please set a reminder for when your enrollment passes open. If you miss your first pass enrollment, you will have to wait until your second pass to enroll in courses.
Important Notes About Enrollment
- Please remember that enrollment for Psychology Department courses is restricted based on your major and class standing! We do not make exceptions to these enrollment restrictions.
- If you have pre-major standing, you may need to wait until second pass to enroll in some Psychology upper division courses. If a class requires major standing to enroll, you cannot bypass this restriction.
- If you are completing your last preparation courses in Fall 2022 to declare major standing, note that you cannot petition to declare the major until all prep grades have posted to your Degree Audit Report. No exceptions are made to this policy.
- Psych 100A is not an enforced prerequisite for upper division Psychology courses other than Psych 100B, so you may enroll in Psych upper division courses prior to completing Psych 100A.
- The Psychology Department does not utilize PTE numbers under any circumstances. Instructors also do not have any PTE numbers for Psychology courses.
- Please be aware that it is a student’s responsibility to resolve any class or exam time conflicts on their study lists.
If you find yourself unable to enroll in a course, please check the class notes on the Schedule of Classes. The notes are unique for each class, so check each course for more information. An example is included below:

Other Questions
For more information on enrollment policies, please review the department’s Frequently Asked Questions and the College’s enrollment tips.
Please note that the Psychology Undergraduate Advising Office has transitioned to Message Center, so submit all future inquiries via Message Center on MyUCLA. Advising appointments may be limited during enrollment periods due to the volume of inquiries. Please review the requirements for the major and run a new Degree Audit Report to verify which major requirements still need to be satisfied.
Categories: Undergraduate