Remembering Morton P. Friedman
Date published: 03/04/20
With sadness, the Department of Psychology at UCLA reports that Morton P. Friedman, a key figure in this Department’s emergence to national prominence, passed away during Fall 2019.
In addition to Chairing our Experimental Psychology Area (before there were separate Cognitive and Learning and Behavior Areas), “Mort” (as everybody on campus called him), contributed to this Department in many other ways, including being this Department’s unofficial historian.
Mort also made major contributions to our undergraduate program when he served as Vice Chair for Undergraduate Affairs (as it was then called), including helping to convince the UCLA administration to put more support into undergraduate tutoring and advising programs at both the University and Department levels. He played an important role in establishing and helping to secure funds for our Department¹s Undergraduate Advising office.
Among his professional and research contributions, Mort, together with his close friend and UCLA colleague, Edward Carterette, edited an 11 volume handbook series on perception and memory for Academic Press.
— Bob and Elizabeth Bjork
Categories: Faculty