Psychology Staff Spotlight Award – Katherine Fang
Date published: 01/25/19

Katherine Fang has been selected to receive the Winter 2019 Staff Spotlight Award! Katherine is a Sr. Fund Manager in Financial Services and she has been instrumental in maintaining our business operations on track after the Financial Specialist position was vacated early in the fall quarter. In addition to her regular workload as a fund manager, she stepped in to serve as a resource for the rest of the fund management team while we have worked to recruit a new specialist. Having had previous experience in this role, Katherine openly shared her expertise to help us accomplish tasks and resolve issues in the areas of accounts payable, travel express and purchasing while still keeping us compliant with the University policies that apply to our work. We very much appreciate Katherine’s dedication to the department and to our team. Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition and thank you for all you do!
Categories: Staff Spotlight