Congratulations to Daniel Rosenfeld who was quoted in a WebMD article
Date published: 12/14/23
Daniel Rosenfeld (Social & Health Areas) was quoted in a WebMD article titled “Is ‘Vegan’ a Dirty Word? Study Finds It Turns Some People Off.” The article is available at
Congratulations to Lucas Strickland receiving the Norma and Seymour Feshbach Doctoral Dissertation Award
Date published: 12/14/23
Congratulations to Lucas Strickland (Social Area) for receiving the Norma and Seymour Feshbach Doctoral Dissertation Award. The award provides funds for dissertation research on the reduction of human aggression or on positive social behavior.
Prof. Sumner Elected to Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research
Date published: 12/14/23
Congratulations to Associate Professor Jen Sumner for being elected to the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research (ABMR). ABMR is the premier honorary scientific organization for scientists working at the interface of behavior and medicine.
Two Professors Included on Clarivate List of Most Highly Cited Researchers
Date published: 11/22/23
Congratulations to Distinguished Professor Michelle Craske and Professor Carrie Bearden for being named among the most influential researchers worldwide this year. The Highly Cited Researchers list, compiled each year by analytics firm Clarivate, identifies scholars whose work has been cited most often in papers published by other researchers in their fields over the past decade. Researchers chosen for the 2023 list have authored studies that rank in the top 1% in the number of scholarly citations worldwide.
Winter 2024 Enrollment
Date published: 10/30/23
The Winter 2024 Schedule of Classes is available for students to review to plan Winter quarter schedules. The Psychology Department is also excited to offer new Winter 2024 Enrollment Workshops to provide enrollment assistance to departmental majors (Psychology, Psychobiology, and Cognitive Science). To receive assistance with planning your winter quarter schedule, please attend an enrollment workshop or watch the recording. For additional advising questions, students should attend in-person Psychology drop-in advising in 1530 Pritzker Hall.
Dr. Taylor Receives National Medal of Science
Date published: 10/24/23
Congratulations to Distinguished Professor Emerita Shelley Taylor for receiving the National Medal of Science at the White House on October 24, 2023. Established in 1959 by the U.S. Congress, the National Medal of Science is the highest recognition the nation can bestow on scientists and engineers. Dr. Taylor is the 12th UCLA faculty member to receive the medal.
Highlighting Faculty Member Patrick Wilson
Date published: 10/23/23
Psychological processes do not occur in a vacuum. I am interested in understanding how social and situational contexts influence psychological factors and shape individual- and community-level health behaviors and outcomes.
Congratulations to Daniel Rosenfeld who was quoted in the Daily Beast
Date published: 10/09/23
Daniel Rosenfeld (Health & Social Areas) was quoted in a Daily Beast article titled “Inside the Tasty Mission to Get You to Eat Lab Grown Meat.” The article is available at
Congratulations to Juan Luis Romero Sosa (BNS Area), who received a National Institute of Mental Health F31 Fellowship Grant
Date published: 10/09/23
The F31 fellowship grant is titled “Frontocortical representations of amygdala-mediated learning under uncertainty,” with Professor Alicia Izquierdo as sponsor and Professor Tad Blair as co-sponsor.
Prof. Nuechterlein Receives John Neale Sustained Mentorship Award
Date published: 09/28/23
Congratulations to Professor Keith Nuechterlein for receiving the John Neale Sustained Mentorship Award at the 2023 annual meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology. The award recognizes an exceptional scholar in the field of psychopathology who has demonstrated continuous dedication to mentoring students, postdoctoral scholars, and faculty in the field.
Psychology Staff Spotlight Award – Veronica Solis
Date published: 09/27/23
We are happy to announce that Veronica Solis, our Financial Specialist, has been selected to receive the Psychology Staff Spotlight award for this quarter.
Prof. Mays Receives APS Lifetime Achievement Award
Date published: 09/13/23
Congratulations to Distinguished Professor Vickie Mays for receiving the 2024 Association for Psychological Science (APS) James S. Jackson Lifetime Achievement Award for Transformative Scholarship. The award honors APS members for their lifetime of outstanding psychological research that advances understanding of historically disadvantaged racial and ethnic groups and/or understanding of the psychological and societal benefits of racial/ethnic diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Prof. Pérez Receives Award for Best Book in Political Psychology
Date published: 09/13/23
Congratulations to Professor Efrén Pérez for being awarded the American Political Science Association’s 2023 Robert E. Lane Award for the best book in political psychology published in the past year for his book titled “Voicing Politics: How Language Shapes Public Opinion.”
UCLA Psychology Graduate Admissions Virtual Open House
Join Us to Learn About the UCLA Psychology Ph.D. Program!
October 4, 2023 3:00 PM PDT
(Zoom link will be provided)
Congratulations to Tyrus Korecki (Health Area) for receiving the Pat Tillman Foundation Scholarship.
Date published: 08/02/23
The Pat Tillman Foundation identifies remarkable military service members, veterans and spouses, empowering them with academic scholarships, lifelong leadership development opportunities and a diverse, global community of high-performing mentors and peers.
Congratulations to Tania Lugo-Flores (BNS Area) for receiving the Graduate Council Diversity Fellowship.
Date published: 08/02/23
The purpose of the Graduate Council Diversity Fellowship is to support graduate students from across the UCLA campus who exemplify values of diversity in their academic, professional, and service activities.
Congratulations 9 graduate students for receiving the Psychology Dissertation Fellowship
Date published: 07/12/23
This new fellowship will provide one quarter of funding during the 2023-2024 academic year.
Congratulations to former graduate student/now alum Adriana Mendez Leal for receiving the Millard Madsen Distinguished Dissertation Award
Date published: 07/12/23
Congratulations to former graduate student/now alum Adriana Mendez Leal (Developmental Area), who received the Millard Madsen Distinguished Dissertation Award for the best developmental dissertation.
Congratulations to Margot Barclay for being selected by the Pritzker Committee for Excellence to receive the fourth annual Pritzker Graduate Scholar Award
Date published: 07/12/23
Congratulations to Margot Barclay (Clinical Area) for being selected by the Pritzker Committee for Excellence to receive the fourth annual Pritzker Graduate Scholar Award. The Pritzker Graduate Scholar Award is intended to support graduate students in the Department of Psychology who demonstrate excellence in the conduct of psychological science with the potential for high public impact.
Congratulations to the following graduate students (and former graduate student/now alum Tamar Kodish) for receiving Clinical Area awards
Date published: 07/12/23
Congratulations to the following graduate students (and former graduate student/now alum Tamar Kodish) for receiving Clinical Area awards.
Meredith Boyd: Michael J. Goldstein Distinguished Dissertation Award
Vivian Byeon: Charles Y. Nakamura Research, Teaching, and Mentorship Award
Tamar Kodish: Michael J. Goldstein Distinguished Dissertation Award
Allison Metts: Senior Clinician Scientist Award
Megha Nagaswami: Stanley Sue Distinguished Research Award
Stephanie Yu: Senior Clinician Scientist Award