Congratulations to Jen Silvers!
Date published: 03/07/19
Congratulations to Professor Jennifer Silvers on receiving a 2019 Biennial Early Career Research Contributions Award from the Society for Research in Child Development!
Highlighting Faculty Member Aaron Blaisdell
Date published: 03/01/19
Dr. Blaisdell is interested in the animal mind. He and his lab use behavioral procedures to explore the interaction between bottom-up associative learning processes and top-down rational decision making processes. Particular interests include spatial cognition, causal reasoning, rule learning, and mental imagery.
Jenessa Shapiro Memorial Fund
Date published: 02/13/19
We all lost a tremendous friend, colleague, and scientist when Jenessa Shapiro passed away at the end of last year. Please consider donating to the Jenessa Shapiro Memorial Graduate Fund. If you are able to contribute to this fund, no matter how small of a contribution, it will be greatly appreciated. You can make a gift online by visiting the following website
Aaron Lim receives the Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program Predoctoral Fellowship Award
Date published: 02/07/19
Congratulations to Aaron Lim (Clinical Area) for receiving the Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program Predoctoral Fellowship Award. This award program supports the mentored training of predoctoral level students with clear and direct commitment to and potential for contributing to the advancement of tobacco-related research priorities.
Adam Gold receives the Jessamine K. Hilliard Neurobiology Graduate Student Grant
Date published: 02/07/19
Congratulations to Adam Gold (BNS Area) for receiving the Jessamine K. Hilliard Neurobiology Graduate Student Grant for his outstanding proposal, “RNA-mediated mechanisms of memory expression.”
Maira Karan receives the Society for Research in Child Development Graduate Student Travel Award
Date published: 02/07/19
Congratulations to Maira Karan (Developmental Area) for receiving the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Graduate Student Travel Award to attend the 2019 SRCD Biennial Meeting being held in Baltimore in March.
Kimberly Martin receives the Diversity Graduate Travel Award and the Graduate Travel Award
Date published: 02/07/19
Congratulations to Kimberly Martin (Social Area) for receiving the Diversity Graduate Travel Award as well as the Graduate Travel Award to attend the annual Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference.
Congratulations to Michelle Craske
Date published: 01/29/19
Congratulations to Professor Michelle Craske for being selected as the next holder of the Joanne and George Miller and Family Endowed Chair, a term chair held in the UCLA Brain Research Institute (BRI).
Psychology Staff Spotlight Award – Katherine Fang
Date published: 01/25/19
Katherine Fang has been selected to receive the Winter 2019 Staff Spotlight Award! Katherine is a Sr. Fund Manager in Financial Services and she has been instrumental in maintaining our business operations on track after the Financial Specialist position was vacated early in the fall quarter. In addition to her regular workload as a fund manager, she stepped in to serve as a resource for the rest of the fund management team while we have worked to recruit a new specialist.
Professor Adriana Galván Wins the Troland Research Award
Date published: 01/24/19
Congratulations to Professor Adriana Galván for receiving the prestigious Troland Research Award from the National Academy of Sciences for her pioneering work studying adolescent brain development and behavior!
Patricia Greenfield to Receive 2019 Outstanding Contributions to Cultural Psychology Award
Date published: 01/17/19
Congratulations to Professor Patricia Greenfield for being selected to receive the 2019 Outstanding Contributions to Cultural Psychology Award! It will be presented at the Cultural Psychology Preconference to the SPSP (Society for Personality and Social Psychology) meeting in February in Portland, OR.
Research by Professors Kellman and Lu and Team Receives Media Attention
Date published: 01/10/19
A study by Professors Philip Kellman and Hongjing Lu, graduate student Nicholas Baker, and postdoc Gennady Erlikhman, published in the journal PLOS Computational Biology, is being prominently featured on the UCLA Newsroom.
The Undergraduate Psychology Advising Office Has Moved to 2812 Life Sciences Building
Date published: 01/03/19
Click this news item for important dates and deadlines for Winter 2019.
Joao Guassi Moreira receives the American Psychological Association Early Graduate Student Researcher Award
Date published: 12/20/18
Congratulations to Joao Guassi Moreira (Developmental Area) for receiving the American Psychological Association (APA) Early Graduate Student Researcher Award. This award program recognizes students for conducting outstanding research early in their graduate training.
Giovanni (Gio) Ramos selected to attend Division 53 SCCAP Leadership Education to Advance Diversity Institute
Date published: 12/20/18
Congratulations to Giovanni (Gio) Ramos (Clinical Area) for being selected to attend Division 53 SCCAP Leadership Education to Advance Diversity (LEAD) Institute. The LEAD Institute will take place on February 23, 2019, and will provide professional development, networking, and leadership skills for graduate students and early career professionals.
Daniel Rosenfeld receives the American Psychological Association APAGS/Psi Chi Junior Scientist Fellowship
Date published: 12/20/18
Congratulations to Daniel Rosenfeld (Health Area) for receiving the American Psychological Association APAGS/Psi Chi Junior Scientist Fellowship.
Claudia Aguirre receives the NIDA Diversity Scholar Travel Award
Date published: 12/20/18
Congratulations to Claudia Aguirre (BNS Area) for receiving the NIDA Diversity Scholar Travel Award to attend the Frontiers in Addiction Research NIDA-NIAAA Mini-Convention
Amy Sewart receives the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science Flexibility Fund Award
Date published: 12/20/18
Congratulations to Amy Sewart (Clinical Area) for receiving the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science Flexibility Fund Award. Amy will use the award funds to go to The University of Hong Kong to get further psychophysiological data training.
Ariana Bell receives the Norma & Seymour Feshbach Doctoral Dissertation Award
Date published: 12/20/18
This department endowed award of $2,000 provides funds for dissertation research on the reduction of human aggression or on positive social behavior. Thank you to our generous donors for their continued support of our students and department!
Nina Lichtenberg and Jessica Uy receive the American Psychological Association Dissertation Research Award
Date published: 12/20/18
Congratulations to Nina Lichtenberg (L&B Area) and Jessica Uy (Developmental Area) for receiving the 2018 American Psychological Association Dissertation Research Award.