Stephanie Yu receives the Junior Scientist Fellowship
Date published: 11/18/19
Congratulations to Stephanie Yu (Clinical Area), who received the Junior Scientist Fellowship from the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students and Psi Chi. The fellowship recognizes outstanding research-oriented students and provides funding to support research costs for a first- or second-year graduate level project. The fellowship also provides written feedback to strengthen the NSF GRFP application.
Dana Saifan receives Research Grant and Scholarships
Date published: 11/18/19
Congratulations to Dana Saifan (ClinicalArea) for receiving the Los Angeles County Psychological Association Foundation Scholarship, the Dr. Adawia Alousi STEM Scholarship Fund for Muslim Women from the Center for Arab American Philanthropy and the Dr. Philip M.
Important Fall 2019 Dates and Deadlines
Date published: 10/23/19
The Winter 2020 Schedule of Classes is now updated and enrollment is active. Please click this news item to see other important dates and deadlines in Fall 2019.
Elizabeth and Bob Bjork Receive 2020 APS Mentor Award
Date published: 10/23/19
Congratulations to Profs. Elizabeth and Bob Bjork, recipients of the 2020 Association for Psychological Science (APS) Mentor Award! The award honors the importance of mentoring in the field as well as the dedication and impact of individuals with a distinguished record of teaching, advising, and encouraging students and colleagues who go on to have productive and influential research careers.
Highlighting Faculty Member Andrew Wikenheiser
Date published: 10/23/19
Our lab studies how electrical activity in the brain mediates cognition and behavior, one of the most exciting—and challenging—questions facing neuroscientists and psychologists today.
Bridget Callaghan Receives David Kucharski Young Investigator Award
Date published: 09/18/19
Congratulations to Professor Bridget Callaghan for receiving the David Kucharski Young Investigator Award from the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology (ISDP)! The award honors the memory of David Kucharski and is given to a promising young investigator in the field.
Congratulations to Annette L. Stanton
Date published: 09/12/19
Congratulations to Professor and Chair Annette L. Stanton, who will receive the Harold H. Benjamin Innovation Award from the Cancer Support Community Los Angeles (CSCLA) at the 5th annual Gilda Gala in October!
Congratulations to Keith Holyoak!
Date published: 08/18/19
Congratulations to Professor Keith Holyoak, who was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in recognition of his outstanding achievements! See the UCLA Newsroom for more information.
Prof. Bernie Weiner Receives Elizabeth Hurlock Beckman Mentoring Award
Date published: 08/15/19
Congratulations to Prof. Bernie Weiner for receiving the prestigious Elizabeth Hurlock Beckman Mentoring Award! The award recognizes professors who have inspired their students to achieve greatness and make a difference in their communities.
Congratulations to Prof. Adriana Galván!
Date published: 07/10/19
Congratulations to Prof. Adriana Galván for receiving the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers! Established in 1996, the award is the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government to early-career scientists and engineers who demonstrate exceptional promise for leadership in science and technology.
Professor Jen Silvers Wrote Op-Ed for Washington Post
Date published: 07/01/19
Professor Jen Silvers co-wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post titled “The looming health crisis for migrant children. The traumas experienced at Border Patrol centers could have life-long psychological effects.” The article is available on the Washington Post’s website.
Highlighting Faculty Member Amanda Montoya
Date published: 07/01/19
Dr. Montoya and the Quantitative Research Collaboratory (QRClab) are a team of researchers working to create and assess statistical and research methods which assist psychological scientists in answering their research questions about why and when.
Psychology Staff Spotlight Award – Sara Beckley
Date published: 06/24/19
Sara has been a teacher with the Infant Development Program since August of 2013. Before becoming a teacher, she was an ADP student intern. Sara started as the floater teacher, providing care to 25 infants and toddlers across our two classrooms. She worked with a team of 6 teachers. She stayed in this role until 2017, when she moved into a primary teacher role. Sara is an amazing, caring, loving teacher. She gives her full attention to the children and ensures their needs are met each and every day.
2019 UCLA Psychology Graduate Hooding Ceremony
Date published: 06/18/19
Congratulations to the 27 graduate students who participated in the Psychology Graduate Hooding Ceremony on Saturday, June 15, 2019! We wish our students much success in their futures!
2019 UCLA Psychology Commencement Video
Date published: 06/17/19
Congratulations to the nearly 900 students who participated in the Psychology Undergraduate Commencement Celebration on Saturday, June 15th, 2019! We wish our students much success in their futures!
Professors Silvers and Adhikari Receive Hellman Fellowships
Date published: 06/13/19
Congratulations to Professors Jen Silvers and Avi Adhikari for receiving Hellman Fellowships for 2019-2020! The UCLA Hellman Fellows Program was established by the Hellman Family Foundation to support and encourage the research of promising Assistant Professors who show capacity for great distinction in their research.
Research by Professor Jesse Rissman Receives Media Attention
Date published: 06/06/19
A study by UCLA researchers, including Prof. Jesse Rissman, published in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, is being prominently featured on UCLA’s home page and the UCLA Newsroom. The researchers showed that they could enhance people’s ability to retrieve episodic memories by applying a weak electrical current over the anterior prefrontal cortex, demonstrating the important role of this region in memory recall. The article is available at the UCLA Newsroom.
Alan Castel Interviewed on The Science Show
Date published: 05/31/19
Professor Alan Castel was interviewed by Robyn Williams of The Science Show about his book “Better with Age: The Psychology of Successful Aging.” The interview is titled “Secrets of those who bloom in their senior years revealed” and is available on Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s website.
Psychology Department Commencement Information
Date published: 05/21/19
Click this news item to find more information about ticket orders and visit our commencement information page for details about the Psychology Department Ceremony on Saturday, June 15 at Pauley Pavilion at 8am.
Dr. Mays Named Featured Psychologist by APA
Date published: 05/10/19
Congratulations to Dr. Vickie Mays, who was named a featured psychologist by the American Psychological Association (APA) Public Interest Directorate. You can read her profile on the APA’s website.