James W. Stigler

Distinguished Research Professor
Ph.D.: University of Michigan
Primary Area: Developmental Psychology
Secondary Area(s): Cognitive Psychology
Address: 2279B Psychology Building
Phone: (310) 721-1535
Email: stigler@psych.ucla.edu
Research and Teaching Interests:
My research focuses on understanding processes of teaching and learning in complex domains such as mathematics, science, and statistics, from kindergarten through college. I am also interested in re-thinking the role of research and development in education, and in particular, how researchers can work with designer/developers and practitioners to build and improve education interventions.
More information about current work, including recent publications, may be found at:
- https://uclatall.com, website of UCLA TALL (Teaching and Learning Lab), and at
- https://coursekata.org, a platform for continuous improvement of interactive online textbooks based on student responses (my current project)
James Stigler is Distinguished Professor of Psychology at UCLA. His research focuses on teaching and learning, especially in mathematics and statistics, and its intersection with culture and technology. He is co-author of two popular books: The Teaching Gap (with James Hiebert) and The Learning Gap (with Harold Stevenson). He was Director of the TIMSS video studies, and a co-founder of two educational technology startups (LessonLab and Zaption) and the nonprofit coursekata.org. He received his A.B. from Brown University and Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from the University of Michigan.