Gregory A. Miller

Distinguished Research Professor
Ph.D.: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Primary Area: Clinical Psychology
Secondary Area(s): Behavioral Neuroscience
Address: 3268A Psychology Building
Phone: (310) 825-2961
Research and Teaching Interests:
I study psychological and neural mechanisms relating cognitive, emotional, and physiological aspects of normal human behavior and psychopathology, especially executive function, emotional dysregulation, and sensory processes, using psychophysiological methods, emphasizing MRI, EEG, MEG, and EKG. I co-direct the UCLA Laboratory of Clinical and Affective Psychophysiology with Prof. Cindy Yee-Bradbury. In collaboration with Profs. Yee-Bradbury, Katie Karlsgodt, and Keith Nuechterlein at UCLA, studies evaluate brain connectivity in the context of cognitive training, exercise, and stress dynamics in schizophrenia using MRI, EEG, EKG, and cortisol methods. In collaboration with Prof. Dr. Brigitte Rockstroh and Prof. Dr. Christian Wienbruch at the University of Konstanz (Germany) and Prof. Dr. Nicolas Langer and Dr. Tzvetan Popov at University of Zurich (Switzerland), MRI and EEG studies explore compromised sensory, cognitive, and emotional processing in schizophrenia to develop cognitive treatment methods. In collaboration with Prof. J. Christopher Edgar at the University of Pennsylvania and Dr. Yu-han Chen at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, MRI and MEG studies explore compromised sensory processing in psychopathology and early development. In collaboration with Profs. Wendy Heller and Brad Sutton and Dr. Tracey Wszalek at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and Prof. Jeff Spielberg at the University of Delaware, MRI and EEG studies explore the differentiation of depression and anxiety. I am not taking new graduate students for the coming year.
Representative Publications:
Bartholomew, M.E., Yee, C.M., Heller, W., Miller, G.A., & Spielberg, J.M. (2019). Reconfiguration of brain networks supporting inhibition of emotional challenge. NeuroImage, 186, 350-357.
Guha, A., Spielberg, J., Lake, J., Popov, T., Heller, W., Yee, C.M., & Miller, G.A. (2019). Effective connectivity between Broca’s area and amygdala as a mechanism of top-down control in worry. Clinical Psychological Science, 7. doi: 10.1177/2167702619867098
Lake, J.I., Spielberg, J.M., Infantolino, Z.P., Crocker, L.D., Yee, C.M., Heller, W., & Miller, G.A. (2019). Reward anticipation and punishment anticipation are instantiated in the brain via opponent mechanisms. Psychophysiology, 56, e13381.
Madian, N., Bredemeier, K., Heller, W., Miller, G. A., & Warren, S. L. (2019). Repetitive negative thought and executive dysfunction: An interactive pathway to emotional distress. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 43, 464-480.
Popov, T., Kustermann, T., Popova, P., Miller, G.A., & Rockstroh, B. (2019). Oscillatory brain dynamics supporting impaired Stroop task performance in schizophrenia-spectrum disorder. Schizophrenia Research, 204, 146-154.
Schindler, S., Miller, G.A., & Kissler, J. (2019). Attending to Eliza: Brain mechanisms of rapid social attribution in virtual communication. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, nsz075,
Sehrig, S., Weiss, A., Miller, G.A., & Rockstroh, B. (2019). Decision- and feedback-related brain potentials reveal risk processing mechanisms in patients with alcohol use disorder. Psychophysiology, 56. doi: 10.1111/psyp.13450
Sharp, P.B., & Miller, G.A. (2019). Reduction and autonomy in psychology and neuroscience: A call for pragmatism. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 39, 18-31.
Edgar, J.C., Blaskey, L., Green, H., Konka, K., Shen, G., Depiero, M., Berman, J.I., Bloy, L., Liu, S., McBride, E., Ku, M., Kuschner, E.S., Airey, M., Kim, M., Franzen, R., Miller, G.A., & Roberts, T. (2020). Maturation of auditory cortex neural activity in children and implications for auditory clinical markers in diagnosis. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 1-13. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.584557
Edgar, J.C., Guha, A., & Miller, G.A. (2020). Magnetoencephalography for schizophrenia. Special issue on magnetoencephalography, R.R. Lee & M.X. Huang (Eds.), Neuroimaging Clinics, 30, 205-216.
Edgar, J.C., & Miller, G.A. (2020). Identifying neural abnormalities in schizophrenia. In A.C. Papanicolaou, T.P.L. Roberts, & J.W. Wheless (Eds.), Fifty years of MEG: The Oxford handbook of magnetoencephalography, pp. 359-374. Oxford University Press.
Fisher, J.E., Guha, A., Heller, W., & Miller, G.A. (2020). Extreme-groups designs in studies of dimensional phenomena: Advantages, caveats, and recommendations. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 129, 14-20.
Lau, A., & Miller, G.A. (2020). Do clinical science programs need GRE scores in admissions this year, or ever? PCSAS Newsletter Special Edition, July. [Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System]
Letkiewicz, A.M.¸ Silton, R.L., Mimnaugh, K.J., Miller, G.A., Heller, W., & Sass, S.M. (2020). Childhood abuse history and altered attention to emotional stimuli in adults. Psychophysiology, 57, e13627. doi:10.1111/psyp.13627
Miller, G.A. (2020). Comments on Kendler’s “The Impact of Faculty Psychology and Theories of Psychological Causation on the Origins of Modern Psychiatric Nosology”. In K.S. Kendler, J. Parnas, & P. Zachar (Eds.), Levels of analysis in psychopathology: Cross-disciplinary perspectives (p. 479-490). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Miller, G.A., & Bartholomew, M.E. (2020). Challenges in the relationships between psychological and biological phenomena in psychopathology. In K.S. Kendler, J. Parnas, & P. Zachar (Eds.), Philosophical issues in psychiatry V: Levels of analysis in psychopathology (p. 238-266). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Reed, A.C., Lee, J., Green, M.F., Hamilton, H.K., Miller, G.A., Subotnik, K.L., Ventura, J., Nuechterlein, K.H., & Yee, C.M. (2020). Associations between physiological responses to social-evaluative stress and daily functioning in first-episode schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 218, 233-239.
Sharp, P., Miller, G.A., Dolan, R.J., & Eldar, E. (2020). Towards formal models of psychopathological traits that explain symptom trajectories. BMC Medicine.
Bartholomew, M.E., Heller, W., & Miller, G.A. (2021). Inhibitory control of emotional processing: Theoretical and empirical considerations. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 163, 5-10.
Clayson, P. E., Kappenman, E. S., Gehring, W. J., Miller, G. A., & Larson, M. J. (2021). A commentary on establishing norms for error-related brain activity during the arrow flanker task among young adults. NeuroImage, 234, 117932.
Guha, A., Yee, C.M., Heller, W., & Miller, G.A. (2021). Alterations in the default mode-salience network circuit provide a potential mechanism of negativity bias in depression. Psychophysiology, 58, 1-18.
Popov, T., Rockstroh, B., & Miller, G.A. (2021). Oscillatory connectivity as a mechanism of auditory sensory gating and its disruption in schizophrenia. Psychophysiology, 58, e13770.
Rapp, A., Grammer, J.K., Tan, P.Z., Gehring, W., Chavira, D., & Miller, G.A. (2021). Collectivism is associated with enhanced neural response to errors occurring in a socially-salient context among adolescents. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 16, 1150-1159.
Rapp, A.M., Tan, P.Z., Grammer, J.K., Gehring, W.J., Miller, G.A., & Chavira, D. A. (2021). Cultural group differences in the association of neural sensitivity to social feedback and social anxiety among diverse adolescents. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 143, 400-408.
Warren, S.L., Heller, W., & Miller, G.A. (2021). The structure of executive dysfunction in depression and anxiety. Journal of Affective Disorders, 279, 208-216.
Diehl, C.K., Rockstroh, B., Yee, C.M., & Miller, G.A. (2022). Endophenotypes in psychiatric genomics: A selective review of their status and a call to action. In E.E. Tsermpini, M. Alda, & G.P. Patrinos (Eds.), Psychiatric genomics (pp. 361-384). Elsevier.
Marder, M.A., Richier, C., Miller, G.A., & Heller, W. (2022). Pandemic onset, individual differences, and dimensional symptoms of depression and anxiety among emerging adults. Emerging Adulthood.
Rapp, A.M., Tan, P.Z., Grammer, J.K., Gehring, W.J., Miller, G.A., & Chavira, D.A. (2022). Cultural values influence relations between parent emotion socialization and adolescents’ neural responses to peer rejection. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 50, 2455-267.
Snyder, H.R., Silton, R.L., Hankin, B.L., Smolker, H.R., Kaiser, R.H., Banich, M.T., Miller, G.A., & Heller, W. (2022). The dimensional structure of internalizing psychopathology: Relation to diagnostic categories. Clinical Psychological Science, 1-20.
Cuthbert, B.N., Miller, G.A., Sanislow, C., & Vaidyanathan, U. (2023). The Research Domain Criteria Project: Integrative translation for psychopathology. P.H. Blaney & R.F. Krueger (Eds.), Oxford Textbook of Psychopathology, Third Edition (p. 78-102). New York: Oxford University Press.
Diehl, C.K., Heller, W., Yee, C.M., & Miller, G.A. (2023). Theories of psychopathology: Potential to promote clinical science, empowerment, and justice. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science, 132, 330-339.
Treat, T.A., Miller, G.A., & Simons, R.F. (2023, February 26). Evaluation of the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System (PCSAS) program review.
Marder, M. A., & Miller, G.A. (2024). The future of psychophysiology, then and now. Biological Psychology, 189, 108792.
Sargent, K.S., Martinez, E.L., Reed, A.C., Guha, A., Bartholomew, M.E., Diehl, C.K., Chang, C.S., Salama, S., Thayer, J. F., Miller, G.A., & Yee, C.M. (2024). Oscillatory coupling between neural and cardiac rhythms. Psychological Science, 35, 517-528.
Guha, A., Popov, T., Bartholomew, M. E., Reed, A. C., Diehl, C.K., Subotnik, K., Ventura, J., Nuechterlein, K., Miller, G. A., & Yee, C. M. (In press). Task-based DMN connectivity predicts cognitive deficits and negative symptoms in first-episode schizophrenia. Psychophysiology.
Olshan, S. M., Richier, C. J., Baacke, K. A., Miller, G. A., & Heller, W. (Invited revision under review). Making the most of errors: Utilizing erroneous predictions generated by machine learning models of neuroimaging data for understanding disorder heterogeneity.
Popov, T., Miller, G.A., Rockstroh, B., Jensen, O., & Langer, N. (Under review). Alpha oscillations link action to cognition: An oculomotor account of the brain’s dominant rhythm. biorxiv preprint
UCLA lab Web site