Phase 2 Research Ramp-Up

Phase 2 Research Ramp-Up Process

  1. Before submitting your research ramp-up plans, please read the guidelines for research ramp up in UCLA Guidelines For Research Ramp Up. Page 37 provides a template of the operational plan you will be submitting. Note that Phase 2 is ultra-low density, meaning that “an overall target during Phase 2 is 10-25% of normal personnel density. Ultra-low density is defined as one worker per 250 sq. ft., with the ability to maintain at least a six-foot separation from all other personnel at all times, including in shared/public/common spaces.” Remember to provide a strong justification on p. 1, per UCLA Guidelines for Phase 2.  
  2. Once you are ready to submit your plans, you do so through the DocuSign System.  Note you need to list the following people on this first page:
    1. Chair: Annette L. Stanton
    2. Building Manger/Coordinator: Alicia Espinosa
    3. Also Please notify (2): CAO Sabrina Lux
  3. If you need be on campus and use your lab as well as your private office to conduct Phase 2 research, remember to include yourself and your office # as personnel in the application.
  4. If you want to request to use your private office (not your lab) in the Phase 2 ramp up on a regular basis for research you cannot perform adequately at home (e.g., requires computer equipment not available to you at home), you do need to submit the operational plan request form.
  5. Because the Department needs to conform to the ultra-low density requirement during Phase 2, we might need to make some Department-level decisions so that the building not exceed the specified density, depending on the number and nature of the requests.   
  6. After your plan is submitted, it will be automatically routed to the Chair for review and approval. The Chair will route approved plans to the Dean.
  7. You must wait to receive approval from the Dean before you can begin your in-person work.

If sections of your operational plan are the same for several PIs it would be helpful if you emailed Annette, Sabrina, and Alicia to let us know because it will speed up the review process.  Please note that sample templates for ramp up plans are available by request from Alicia . When thinking through your plans please note the following in terms of building occupancy:

  • We are working with facilities and the Fire Marshall to place approved signage on stairwells that will identify up and down stairwells in all three buildings in our complex. In the meantime, we have placed “Be Safer”, Bruins signage on every floor.
  • All bathrooms will have signage regarding single occupancy and users must knock before entering to determine only one person is in restroom at a time.
  • Signage will be at each elevator indicating occupancy restrictions.
  • Faculty should only be ramping up about 25% of their lab’s research program during this phase so we can ensure reduced occupancy levels.
  • Adhere to the 250sq ft guideline as a maximum for any lab personnel in the building at one time.
  • UCLA Facilities Management Custodial Services will be performing enhanced cleaning services for high touch areas and common spaces throughout the campus.  In addition, Facilities will be providing cleaning kits and disinfecting supplies for purchase via an FSR.  Any orders can be placed with Alicia Espinosa in Operations.  Please refer to description and price list for more information.  When placing orders, please make sure to forward your recharge information and the quantity of kits/supplies you will be needing.  Please note that personal protective equipment can be ordered via a recharge through the EH&S Central Store.  If you have any questions or need assistance in placing any of these orders, please contact Alicia or Tyler in Operations.
  • While PIs are responsible for purchasing required PPE, if you need PPE sooner than suppliers can get them to you to begin approved research, the Department has purchased a limited amount of both disposable and reusable masks that we can distribute as needed.
  • Alicia, Tyler and Kevin are essential workers and will be on campus during phase 2 to help with safety issues. 

Alicia and Sabrina are available if you have questions about building safety plans, shared spaces, square footage, etc.

Please keep in mind that only personnel named in approved research plans will be allowed to return to campus for in-person work and only in the limited amounts that are outlined in approved plans. All others will continue to work remotely as possible. One-time requests to visit campus will still be directed to Annette and Sabrina as we did in Phase 1.