What is an Academic Student Employee (ASE)?
Academic Student Employees (ASE) are Teaching Assistants/Associates/Fellows, Readers/Special Readers and Tutors/Remedial Tutors.
A Teaching Assistantship (TA) is a meaningful way for graduate students to obtain teaching experience. Duties may include teaching, holding office hours, preparing course materials and grading under the tutelage and supervision of regular faculty members who are responsible for curriculum and instruction in the University.
Readers/Special Readers assist faculty members with the reading and grading of students’ papers and exams, under the guidance and direction of faculty members. Readers are appointed for undergraduate numbered courses (1-199) while Special Readers are hired for upper division undergraduate or graduate level courses (200 and above).
The primary duty of a Tutor is individual or small group review instruction related to, but not required in, specific courses. The duty is performed under the supervision of faculty “instructors of record” or designated staff members who are vested with the sole and final responsibility for course content, work assignments, performance evaluations and grading in the assigned course and its related tutoring.