Send an email to the Chair requesting the Visiting appointment. Inform the chair of the dates, what the visitor will be doing while on campus, and any request for office space.
If the chair approves, inform the Academic Personnel Coordinator, Candice Carpio, that you’d like to hire a Visiting Researcher.
Since the appointment is without salary – no job ad is required. The AP office will complete an exemption request.
If the guest has an appointment at another university, they will need to provide us with a letter from their home department acknowledging that they will have a without salary appointment at UCLA during this time.
Write a PI letter, addressed to the Dean, that you’d like to request the visiting appointment. Include the dates the visitor will be on campus. Include what they will be doing while on campus and how this will benefit our department and UCLA.
There is a 24-month limit to any visiting titles.
The Chair will need to approve this hire and will need to endorse the PI letter.
The AP office will submit the paperwork to the College for approval. Allow at least 2 weeks after the PI letter is received before approval is received.
NOTE: Allow 1 months for the entire process. If you want to hire someone with a start date of July 1 – please let the AP office know by June 1.
If the candidate has any visa needs – additional time will be needed.