Fellowships Requiring Department Funding
If you are applying for a grant, fellowship, or award that requires that the University or Psychology Department pay anyportion of your registration fees, you must contact the Graduate Advising Supervisor before you apply to confirm whether or not the Department can sponsor your application.
Applying for Grants
Any type of application being submitted by a graduate student that requires a budget or institutional signature should be forwarded to the Psychology Business Office so that they may review and route it through OCGA (Office of Contract and Grant Administration). In addition, if the graduate student submits an application that does not require an institutional signature or budget, but the funds will be disbursed through the Psychology Department, the application should also be forwarded to the Psychology Business Office so they may route it through OCGA.
Below are the steps that need to be taken in order to submit a grant proposal submission through the Psychology Business Office:
- Graduate Students must inform the Fund Manager (in the Psychology Business Office in 1283 Franz) assigned to their mentor the moment they are aware of a grant proposal submission.
- The Psychology Business Office requires at least 3 weeks of notice prior to the submission deadline.
Week 1: Prepare the budget and help with any necessary paperwork.
Week 2: The student and mentor review the application and respond with any updates or changes.
Week 3: The proposal is submitted to OCGA for review and submission.
- OCGA requires 5 business days for review applications prior to the deadline in order to have enough time for questions and changes, if needed.
- Keep in mind that there will be occasions when a Fund Manager is working on 5 proposal submissions for the same deadline, so they need plenty of notice in order to help coordinate and make it a smooth submission.