Susan Bookheimer


Ph.D.: Wayne State University School of Medicine
Primary Area: Cognitive Psychology
Home Department: Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences
Address: 17-369 Semel
Phone: x46386

Research and Teaching Interests:

Functional brain imaging; autism, Alzheimer’s; brain tumors; epilepsy

Representative Publications:

  1. Bhatia, S.; Bookheimer, S.Y.; Gaillard, W.; and Theodore, W.T. (1993). Measurement of whole temporal lobe and hippocampus for MR volumetry: Normative data. Neurology, 43(10): 2006-2010.
  2. Blaxton, T. and Bookheimer, S.Y. (1993). Retrieval inhibition in anomia. Brain and Language, 44: 221-237.
  3. Cohen, M.S. and Bookheimer, S.Y. (1994). Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Trends in Neurosciences, 17(7): 268-77.
  4. Cuenod, C.A.; Bookheimer, S.Y.; Hertz-Pannier, L.; Frank, J.A.; Zeffiro, T.A.; Theodore, W.H.; and Le Bihan, D. (1995). Functional MRI during Word Generation using Conventional Equipment: A Potential Tool for Language Localization in Clinical Environment. Neurology 45(10): 1821-1827.
  5. Bookheimer, S.Y.; Zeffiro, T.A.; Blaxton, T.; Gaillard, W.D.; and Theodore, W.H. (1995). Regional Cerebral Blood Flow during Object Naming and Word Reading. Human Brain Mapping 3(2): 93-106.
  6. Gaillard, W.D.; Bhatia, S.; Bookheimer, S.Y.; Fazilat, S.; Sato, S.; and Theodore, W.H. (1995). FDG-PET and Volumetric MRI in the evaluation of patients with partial epilepsy. Neurology, 45(1): 123-126.
  7. Malow, B.A.; Blaxton, T.A.; Sato, S.; Bookheimer, S.Y.; Kufta, C.V. Figlozzi, C.M.; and Theodore, W.H. (1996). Cortical Stimulation Elicits Regional Distinctions in Auditory and Visual Naming. Epilepsia, 37(3): 245-252.
  8. Bookheimer, S.Y. (1996). Functional MRI Applications in Clinical Epilepsy. NeuroImage, 4(3): S139-S146.
  9. Blaxton, T.A.; Bookheimer, S.Y.; Zeffiro, T.A.; Figlozzi, C.M.; Gaillard, W.D.; and Theodore, W.H. (1996). Functional Mapping of Human Memory Using PET: Comparisons of Conceptual and Perceptual Tasks. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 50(1): 42-56.
  10. Blaxton, T.A.; Zeffiro, T.A.; Gabrieli, J.D.E.; Bookheimer, S.Y.; Carillo, M.C.; Theodore, W.H.; and Disterhoft, J.F. (1996) Functional Mapping of Human Learning: A PET Activation Study of Eyeblink Conditioning. Journal of Neurosciences, 16(12): 4032-4040.
  11. Cohen, M.S.; Kosslyn, S.M.; Breiter, H.C.; DiGirolamo, G.J.; Thompson, W.L.; Bookheimer, S.Y.; Belliveau, J.W.; Rosen, B.R. (1996). Changes in Cortical Activity During Mental Rotation: A mapping study using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Brain, 119: 89-100. (Cover Article).
  12. Bookheimer, S.Y.; Zeffiro, T.A.; Blaxton, T.; Malow, B.A.; Gaillard, W.D.; Sato, S.; Kufta, C.; Fedio, P.; and Theodore, W.H. (1997). A Direct Comparison of PET Activation and Electrocortical Stimulation Mapping for Language Localization. Neurology. 48(4) 1056-1065.
  13. Savic I., Bookheimer SY, Fried I., Engel J. Jr (1997). Olfactory bedside test. A simple approach to identify temporo-orbitofrontal dysfunction. Arch Neurol 54(2):162-8.
  14. Hertz-Pannier, L.; Gaillard, W.D.; Mott, S.H.; Cuenod, C.A.; Bookheimer, S.Y.; Weinstein, S.; Conry, J.; Papero, P.; Schiff, S.J.; Le Bihan, D.; and Theodore, W.H. (1997). Noninvasive Assessment of Language Dominance in Children and Adolescents with Functional MRI: A Preliminary Study. Neurology.48(4):1003-12
  15. Bookheimer, S.Y.; Zeffiro, T.A.; Blaxton, T.; Gaillard, W.D.; Malow, B, and Theodore, W.H. (1998). Regional Cerebral Blood Flow during Auditory Responsive Naming: Evidence for Cross- Modality Neural Activation. Neuroreport, Vol 9 (10).
  16. Hunter, Kevin. E.; Blaxton, Teresa. A.; Bookheimer, S.Y.; Figlozzi, C.; Grandin, C.; Anyanwu, A.; and Theodore, W. (1998). O15 water Positron Emission Tomography in language localization: A study comparing rater evaluations and computerized region of interest analysis of PET studies with the Wada test. (1999) Annals of Neurology 45(5) 662-665.
  17. Small, G; Chen, ST; Komo, S;, Ercoli, L; Bookheimer, S.Y., Miller, K; Kaplan, A, Dorsey, D.; Scott, W.K., Saunders, A.M., Haines, L.; Roses, A.D., Pericak-Vance, M. (1999) Memory Self-appraisal in middle aged and older adults with the apolipoprotein E-4 Allele. Am. J Psychiatry 156:1035-1038.
  18. Theodore, William. H.; Bhatia, Sanjiv.; Hatta, Junko.; Fazilat, Shahin.; DeCarli, Charles.; Bookheimer, S.Y.; and Gaillard, William. D.(1999). Hippocampal atrophy, epilepsy duration, and febrile seizures in patients with partial seizures. Neurology. Jan 1;52(1):132-6.
  19. Gaillard, W.D., Bookheimer, S.Y., Hertz-Pannier, L and Blaxton, TA (1999). The Non-invasive identification of language function: Neuroimaging and rapid transcranial magnetic stimulation. Neurosurg. Clin. N Amer. 8(3) 321-335.
  20. Bookheimer, S.Y.; Dapretto, M.; Karmarkar, U. (1999). Functional MRI in Children with Epilepsy. Developmental Neurosciences 21(3-5), 191-199.

For a complete list, go to my publications listing at