R. Edward Geiselman

Professor Emeritus
Instructor - First Responders
Ph.D.: (Ohio University); MS (Ohio University); BS (Purdue University)
Primary Area: Interdisciplinary
Address: California and Indiana
Email: geiselma@psych.ucla.edu
Research and Teaching Interests:
Edward Geiselman (Professor Emeritus) – received his BS degree in Psychology from Purdue University, his MS degree in Experimental Psychology from Ohio University, and his PhD degree in Experimental Psychology from Ohio University in 1976. He was a member of the regular faculty at UCLA continuously since 1979 for 39+ years. Professor Geiselman’s research focuses on investigative interviewing of witnesses and victims of crime (the Cognitive Interview, CI), use of force investigations, and factors affecting eyewitness recollections. Dr. Geiselman currently provides 2-day host-site instruction upon email request for law enforcement and other first-responder agencies. He also currently serves on the interdisciplinary faculty for the Force Science Institute, and he is a member of ILEETA. He has published 120 research articles and book chapters with an emphasis on the retrieval of memories. He is the co-author of “Memory Enhancement Techniques for Investigative Interviewing: The Cognitive Interview;” and he is the editor of “The Psychology of Murder” and “Intersections of Psychology, Psychiatry, and Law” (Vols 1, 2, 3). Professor Geiselman teaches classes at host agencies toward implementing good-practice, reliable interviewing procedures. He served in the past as an expert witness for both federal and state courts concerning issues related to memory recall and recognition.
Curriculum Vitae